Thursday, July 24, 2014

Jobs for Pakistanis in South Korea (EPS Workers)

First of all, click HERE  (official website of Korea to hire unskilled workers through EPS) and then HERE (news article in a leading Pakistani news paper)!

I have often been asked on how to get a job in Korea - it depends on many factors but first and foremost, one's country of origin, Korean language proficiency and then their educational background.

Everybody would have heard of teaching positions in Korea but almost all sorts of jobs are there and yes, it's competitive and there are limitations. 

Pakistan is among one of the 15 countries from where low skilled or unskilled workers are hired under Employment Permit System aka EPS to work in South Korea in small and medium sized industries in sectors such as livestock, agriculture, fishery, construction, etc. Applicants must fulfill the following conditions according to the EPS website:

  • Person aged between 18 and 40
  • Person who passed EPS-TOPIK
  • Person who fits for medical checkup decided by Korean government
  • Person with no criminal record in relation to serious offence punishable by imprisonment
  • Person who does not have previous record of deportation/eviction order from Korea
  • Submit Job application form and necessary documents within the valid term of EPS-TOPIK (2 years)
    ※ If valid term of EPS-TOPIK(2 years) has expired, candidate shall pass EPS-TOPIK again.

Every year, a quota is set by the Ministry of Labor (MOL) Korea, to import these EPS workers. This quota is further distributed among EPS member countries with respect to the percentage of illegal workers from that respective country. If illegal workers ratio is high , lesser workers are imported and if the ration is low then higher number of workers are imported. Hence, one MUST return to their native country.The returnees can always apply again and usually are preferred over the new workers.

Minimum wage per hour for 2014 is set for about 5USD per hour or 5,210 won per hour. Under the Labor Standard Act of Korea, all workers are eligible to get this amount irrespective of their nationality.
Moreover, all workers are eligible for 4 major kind of insurances once they enter through EPS, More on this: click HERE.

Job seekers for Korea must reply on EPS website, HRD Korea and Overseas Employment Corporation only. No  other agency or person can help you get the job. If anybody claims - report them to police and do NOT give money to anybody for seeking jobs. Such people are FRAUD!

Korea has MOU with the following countries:
Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, China, Cambodia,Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar, Kyrgyzstan, Timor-Leste. 
