Thursday, November 6, 2014


Yongsan Center for the Disabled (November 14th, 2:00pm ~ 4:30pm)
This activity involves helping our friends at the center with a simple craft making exercise. The items they make are then sold to area stores and institutions, so not only is this a therapeutic exercise, but it is also a way for them to make money.

Yongsan Senior Welfare Center (November 17th, 1:00pm ~ 2:00pm)
Spend time with halmeonis and harabeojis (Korean grandmas and grandpas) by having an English conversation with them as a part of their English class. You do not need to be a native English speaker to join this activity, and it is a great chance for cultural exchange as well.

Young Nak Aenea’s Home (November 20th, 2:00pm ~ 4:00pmYoung Nak Aena’s Home houses 40 cerebral palsied children above the age of 4. We will help prepare afternoon snacks and assist them to eat. Also we will spend some time talking, singing to them, and wheeling them around.Reminders: Volunteers that have flu, hepatitis or any contagious diseases are requested not to join this program.

If you wish to join any of the activities listed above, please send in your confirmation to:
Itaewon Global Village Center