Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Green Girls: The forgotten children of Pakistan

I often encounter these three little girls ( from left to right: Jan Bibi, Palwasha and Eshala Bibi)- passing by our street - collecting scrap metal, recycleable paper, plastic and tin from door to door as well as waste dumping points. Their day starts at dawn with walking long distances and reaching specific neighbothood from where they collect anything 'recycleable'. It keeps them busy the whole day. They finish this regular ritual by going to the nearest retailer (who deals in scrap and recycleable plastic etc.). This tough and hazardous labor by these children contributes to hardly a dollar a day- sometimes even less to the meagre income of their families to make the two ends meet. These kids are from the nomadic tribes and not a single government did anything to improve their living condition or actually intergrate them into the mainstream society. I wonder why?
A lot has been said, done by the governments - many conventions have been signed and seminar as well as conferences have been held so far, all I see is - the sorry state of affairs for these children. Unlike other kids have no opportunities to ever having basic necessities of life - hence what needs to be done in this regard.
We shouldn't forget the fact that these kids are doing more than their fair share for creating a better, beautiful, and a more enivironmantally friendly Pakistan for tomorrow.
We need to pressure the politicians and large corporations to do their bit and start taking their responsibilities seriously.....I do agree that economy is obviously important, and businesses need to make money, but at what cost and what risks?
Anyhow, I'm a big time fan of these kids, they visit me often and I provide them with toys, food and a bit of chit chat......all I wish for them is some kind of program through which they can easily get free education as well as a little stipent. These kids should go to schools as well either formal or non-formal. I hope that they can also live a descent life.
I hope that change will will come for them too.

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