Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mangoes at last!

Finally, after 8 years, I'm able to enjoy Pakistani mangoes, its not that I never had them during my stay in Seoul but they are just not a common commodity in Korea.Only a few specialized stores have them on special displays and on special occasion with one mango costing upto $8US. Fresh mangoes are really hard to find here.
While staying in Korea- my friends from the Philippines brought for us dried mangoes- which were pretty good as we don't have them in Pakistan. Canned Thai mangoes were the other option but nothing can beat a Mango from the Indian sub-continent.
As the rule goes, hot weather increaes the sweetness of the the mango. Moreover, we have a variey of mangoes. I read that Pakistan has about 200 different varieties of mangoes- each type is different in taste, aroma, texture, color and shape. I have delayed my trip to the US just to eat mangoes. We have them since past 2 weeks. I am sure that I will NOT find SINDHREE AAM anywhere!

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