Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Azadi Mubarak: 66th. Independence Day of Pakistan

Google Doodle celebrating Pakistan's Independence Today

Happy Independence Day to All Pakistanis: Azadi Mubarak Ho - Bohat, Bohat!

We used to say: Jashane Azadi Mubarak, since I couldn't see any Jashan around (celebration/Festivity) hence,  Azadi Mubark will suffice.

Having said that, I hope we learn the importance of freedom and being free, importance of being a country and the importance of being a nation!

A Pakistani Flag made with Gladiola and Tuberoses (Polianthes tuberosa)

We have a long way to go to make the Founding Father of Pakistan PROUD and 66 years have passed already!

With incredible potential, natural resources and human capital we have the power to turn these bad times into good ones. All we need is - in Jinnah's words: UNITY, FAITH and DISCIPLINE - which is lacking!