Monday, August 13, 2012

Fire Breaks Out near Gyeongbok Palace

Fire near Gyeongbok Palace

Korea has a long history of fire break outs of the buildings of historical importance. During the Joseon era, entire palaces , all four in Seoul, burned down to ashes several times. There are various reasons to it. One of the most famous and recent  fire break out case  was that of  Namdemun Gate in 2008. AN arsenist was involved which turned the gate to ashes and it is till under restoration, for the past 4 years! One of the reasons is that wood is used a lot in the traditional buildings. Hence, nothing left of the structures once they catch fire.

According to Korea Herald, a fire broke out at the construction site for National Museum of Contemporary Art’s new building near Gyeongbok Palace on Monday morning, threatening the main Joseon Dynasty palace.

The fire broke out at about 11:22 a.m. covering the palace and the area near Gyeongbok Palace’s Gwangwhamun. The cause of the blaze is not yet known.

The emergency services dispatched about 30 fire engines and more than 100 firepersons to put out the fire and to prevent the fire spreading to the palace.

No casualties or damage to the palace have been reported.

The site is located to the east of the palace, and is scheduled for completion in 2013.