Thursday, November 15, 2012

Korean Language Study Scholarships

G.O.A.'L Korean Language Scholarship
[The final date for applications is now Friday, October 31st!
There are still open spots for Sookmyung, Yonsei and Korea University!]
Ewha Women's University, KyungHee University, Sogang University, Sookmyung Women's University, Geumgang University, Yonsei University and Korea University provide Korean language study scholarship for overseas adopted Korean staying in Korea.
All of the universities, except Geumgang University, are located in Seoul.

The scholarships cover part or all of tuition, but room and board are not covered, unless specifically mentioned. Korean semesters usually last 10 weeks (thus on this page we refer to them as quarters)
The universities have a mandatory registration fee, ranging from 30,000 to 60,000 won depending on the university. You only need to pay this fee once per university.
The first time you sign up, you must pay a 50,000 won deposit to G.O.A.'L. The deposit is reimbursed at the completion of the semester if you pass.
Eligibility Requirements
Overseas Adopted Korean (OAK)
Member of G.O.A.'L

If you are interested in learning/improving Korean at Universities above, please submit a completed application form, along with the other required materials via email or in person.
Required Documents
Application Form
Essay (the essay question is written on the application form)
Passport & F4 visa copy
Diploma (high school or university) copy
※ For more information about scholarships, please email to or call the G.O.A.'L office (02-325-6585).

Information about various universities is HERE.