Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Seoul Photo Festival 2012

천 개의 마을, 천 개의 기억 (A thousand villages, a thousand memories - exhibitions and conferences)

Seoul Metropolitan Government is holding the 3rd Seoul Photo Festival in 2012. This festival will be held under the theme of “Village Community and Photo Archives.” It will be a venue for visitors to see the importance of local archives and to explore new possibilities for realizing the social function of photography.

In particular, this festival has been planned as a citizen-participatory event. To be appropriate for the theme of “1,000 Villages, 1,000 Memories”, the festival will consist of photos collected and taken by Seoul citizens and netizens across the nation.” Through this exhibition, a new history of Seoul will begin, and it will be recorded by photos taken by 10,000,000 Seoul citizens, and not by records kept by public agencies, researchers, and particular artists, which work for the city of Seoul.

These photos will not disappear after this exhibition. They will be constructed as an archive for each district in Seoul, and will become a foundation for forming village communities, as the photos will be used for the research and cultural content of each district

  • Exhibition Period : November 21 - December 30, 2012
  • Event Venue : Seosomun Annex building of the Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul Museum of History, Seoul City Hall
  • Exhibition Time : Tue.-Fri. 10:00-20:00 Holidays & Weekends 10:00-18:00 (Closed on Mondays) 1st, 3rd Tuesday of each month 10:00-22:00 (Museum Day)
  • Auxiliary Event : Citizen Workshop, Citizen Lecture, Photograph of the Month, Photo Contest
  • Category/ Number of Photos : Photography / 250 pieces by photographers; more than 500 pieces for the photo contest
  • Inquiries : Office of the Seoul Photo Festival 070-8240-9902 (Dasan Call: 120)